The prices start from Rs.30 and go till 60 for each Paratha. One paratha comes with achar and curd. The size is not really big. I would eat two such parathas for lunch along with some rice & dal. The curries are to be bought extra. Average meal costs Rs.100 per head and this is a self service joint. My first experience from this place is, this will create confusion in the customer about the positioning. This is not a fast food center that churs out 10 parathas in 15 minutes for high volume visitors and at the same time this is not an order, eat and pay restaurant with comfortable seating. If the target customers are bachelors, one has to shell out roughly 70-80 rupees for a filling meal. If the target customers are family of two or four, it would be around 400, but would such a family want to spend time in a self service eat out where not so great parathas are served? I still like Dummas parathas than Parantha holic !
So, my suggestion to you is, 'Improve the taste of Parathas, Price Competetively, Process the orders quickly'.
Dude, you make me hungry... I miss our bellendur
aptly said :)
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