Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Disappointing day

Today is quite a disappointing day for me. I am disappointed on myself. On one side I dream of creating an organization, be an entrepreneur, be somebody, do something different, challenge status quo, challenge ex-bosses, complain the old-system to create a new one, beat few successful people's success blah blah blah. But I realized today that I lack the right attitude more than anything else. The way one of our guys went an extra mile to speak to a prospect and get some business where he was not even remotely connected to such a task made me feel humiliated on myself, while appreciating his efforts.

I dont know where my life is heading and what am I going to do !! I just wish I do the right things.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Self belief

There are three stages in achieving victory. (1) Knowing what to do (2) Knowing how to do it (3) Doing it - without which, of course, the knowledge of 'What' and 'How' is useless. Each of the stages hinges on self-belief: belief that you can master the subject or the sport, belief that you can apply that mastery in real-life situations, belief that you will succeed in execution. More, all three stages are informed by the belief that you can continuously improve, forever raising your game or your management performance.

Picked this from the article:

Monday, October 01, 2007

Jack - straight from the gut

Currently reading that book. Few lines I liked...

  • When your boss asks you something (I am talking about a smart boss), he already has an answer. He is just looking for a confirmation.
  • Business is not quite similar to engineering where it is a list of procedures and mathematical calculations. Business is to feel, smell and then make intuitive decisions sometimes. Its not necessarily one single big idea - it is a collection of ideas and making them work.